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Class 30 – Baking

Directors: Louise Moore 519-848-2770, Kate O’Donnell


Rules & Regulations:

1. Rules will be strictly enforced

2. Entries must be securely ticketed and placed by 11:30 AM. Friday, September 8th, 2023.

3. All items to be in Clear Plastic Bags, NO saran wrap allowed.  NO staples. No warm baking.

4. Buns are baked together. Rolls baked separately

5. Loaves to be placed on a cardboard covered with foil.  Tins 9”x4”x3” are recommended for bread & loaves.

6. No cake mixes permitted. Cakes are to be taken out of pans & placed on cardboard with foil, size to be not more than 1” larger than item.

7. Cookies, muffins, tarts & tea biscuits to be on a suitable sized foil or paper plates.

8.  All pies to be baked in 8 ½” or larger plates

9.  Exhibits must be work of the exhibitor.

10. Please temper your new foil plates by baking at 425° for 15 minutes.

11.  New exhibitors, mark your entry tag N.E. (New Exhibitor) by your name on the flip tag.

12. Baking to be picked up on SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2023 at 4:30 PM.


Prize Money: $5.00; $4.00; $3.00 (unless otherwise stated)


Breads and Cakes

1. 1 loaf of white bread

2. 1 loaf of brown bread

3. 1 loaf of bread of your choice

4. 1 loaf of white bread made in a bread machine

5. Gumdrop Cake

P & H Milling Special

An exhibitor (who has shown before) in Sections 1-5 with the most points receives a bag of flour donated by P&H Milling Inc.



6. Oatmeal cookies - no raisins (dropped), 5

7. Peanut butter cookies, 5

8. Smarty cookies, 5

9. Chocolate chip cookies, 5

10. Oatmeal cookies with raisins, (dropped) 5

11. Whipped shortbread cookies, 5

Muffins, Loafs, Biscuits

12. Blueberry muffins, 5, paper removed

13. Banana muffins, 5, papers removed

14. Bran muffins, 5, papers removed

15. Chocolate Chip Muffins, 5, papers removed

16. Cherry loaf, no nuts

17. Date & nut loaf

18. Pumpkin loaf

19. Lemon loaf

20. Banana & nut loaf

21. Zucchini loaf

22. Cranberry Loaf

P & H Milling Special

New exhibitor in Sections 6-22 with the most points receives a bag of flour donated by P&H Milling Inc.


P & H Milling Special

An exhibitor (who has shown before) in Sections 6-22 with the most points receives a bag of flour donated by P&H Milling Inc.


Pies, Tarts, Squares, Candy etc.

23. Apple pie, spiced, 2 crust

24. Blueberry pie, woven lattice top

25. Raisin Pie, 2 crust

26. Raspberry pie

27. Peach pie

28. Coconut & Jam Tarts, 5

29. Butter tarts with raisins, 5

30. Brownies, with nuts, 5

31. Butter tart squares, 5

32. Date squares, 5

33. Chocolate fudge, 5 pieces

34. Maple fudge, 5 pieces

35. Carmel Popcorn (2 Cups)

36. Cornflake Squares, 5

37. Seven Layer Square, 5

38. Butter Tarts with Bacon, 5

P & H Milling Special

New exhibitor in Sections 23-38 with the most points receives a bag of flour donated by P&H Milling Inc.


P & H Milling Special

An exhibitor (who has shown before) in Sections 23-38 with the most points receives a bag of flour donated by P&H Milling Inc.



For Men Only Section

39. Any Flavours - Muffins, 5, papers removed

40. Any Flavours – Pie (no cream pies) 

41. Any Flavours - Cake (leave in pan)

P&H Milling Special

Exhibitor with the points in sections 39-41 receives a bag of flour

Donated by P&H Milling Inc.  


Class 31B: Domestic Specials

Director: Louise Moore 519-848-2770

1. “Show me your best Square Recipes” Special – sponsored by McFadden Massage Therapy

5 Different Squares, on a fancy plate (2 of each kind)

1st   prize $15.00, 2nd prize $10.00, 3rd prize $5.00


2. Ferris Farms Special – Cherry Pie with Lattice top

Prize Money $15.00 donated by Leanne and Chris Ferris and family

1st prize - $15.00 (pie to become property of Ferris’)

2nd prize - $5.00 Arthur Agricultural Society


4. P&H Milling Special – Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Cinnamon Raisin Bread made with a Bread Machine removed from pan. 

To be placed in clear plastic bag.


1st: 1 - 10 kg bags of Flour plus $10.00; 2nd: 1 - 10 kg bag of Flour


5.  Andy Reid Memorial Special – Sponsored by Gil Reid

Dark Fruit Cake – size 8”x8” approx.

Prizes: 1st $50.00; 2nd $30.00; 3rd $20.00

1st prize cake to become property of Gil Reid


 6. OAAS Butter Tart Competition


~ No Fruit or Nuts (i.e., no raisins or pecans etc.)

~ Entry must be made solely by the person entering the competition. (Including pastry)

~ The size of the tarts must be full size tarts. (No mini or bite size tarts)

~ Winner will compete in District 7 level competition in November.

~ 6 tarts will be required to be shown on a clean sturdy plate inside of a clear plastic bag.

Prizes: 1st prize $5.00, 2nd $4.00; 3rd prize $3.00


7. Buggies & Butter Tart Special – Township of Wellington North Special

Butter tarts, with pecans or walnuts, 5

Prize donated by Twp. Of Wellington North

Prize: 1st: Prize Package from the Township of Well. North.

2nd: $3.00

3rd: $2.00


8. Bodz Family Special – Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Sponsored by: Jenny, Kyle, Blake, Jackson and Lilia Bodz

1st - $15.00 (pie to become property of Jenny & Kyle), 2nd -$10.00, 3rd - $5.00


9. Arthur Agricultural Society Special – Decorated Cake to the theme of the fair

Decorated Cake (any flavor) using your creativity to the theme of the fair – “Tractors and Tailgates.”

Prize: $5.00, $4.00, $3.00


10. In Memory of Jean Smith Special – Pecan Pie 

Sponsored by Louise & Bob Moore

Prize: 1st: 15.00 (pie to become property of Louise & Bob), 2nd: $5.00

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